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The Endline Survey


At the end of the 30-month intervention period, where young people ages 16-24 years were offered health services in a community setting, a community-based prevalence survey will be conducted among 17 000 youth aged 18-24 years in both intervention and control communities. The survey aims to assess population level prevalence of HIV, STIs as well as HIV viral load suppression which is the primary outcome of the CHIEDZA trial. 

Consent Procedures Trial

Embedded within the CHIEDZA endline survey is a Consent Procedures trial. This trial aims to investigate whether consent procedures incorporating provision of information about the research study using a video information tool are non-inferior to standard consent procedures using a paper-based information sheet among youth aged 18-24 years participating in the endline population-based survey for the CHIEDZA trial in Zimbabwe. 

Endline Survey Consent Videos 


As part of the endline survey an innovative model of obtaining consent using videos rather than the traditionally used paper consent forms will be implemented. Below are the consent videos for the CHIEDZA endline survey. These videos which are in English, Shona and Ndebele provide detail on the procedures for the endline survey

English (STI Testing Information)

Ndebele (STI Testing Information)


(No STI Testing Information)

Shona (STI Testing Information)


(No STI Testing Information)


(No STI Testing Information)

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