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Mavodza C, Busza J, Mackworth-Young CRS, Nyamwanza R, Nzombe P, Dauya E, Dziva Chikwari C, Tembo M, Simms V, Mugurungi O, Apollo T, Madzima B, Ferrand RA, Bernays S. Family planning experiences and needs of young women living with and without HIV accessing an integrated HIV and SRH intervention in Zimbabwe-an exploratory qualitative study”, Frontiers in Global Women's Health-Contraception and Family Planning 2022. In Press.

 Mavodza CV, Bernays S, Mackworth-Young CRS, Nyamwanza R, Nzombe P. Dauya E, Chikwari CD, Tembo M, Apollo T, Mugurungi O, Madzima B, Kranzer K, Ferrand RA, Busza J. Interrupted access to and use of family planning among youth in a community-based service in Zimbabwe, during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies in Family Planning 2022. In Press.

 Tembo M, Renju J,  Weiss HA, Dauya E, Gweshe N, Ndlovu P, Nzombe P, Chikwari CD,  Mavodza CV, Mackworth-Young CRS, Ferrand RA, Francis SC. Integration of a menstrual health intervention in a community-based sexual and reproductive health service for young people in Zimbabwe: A qualitative acceptability study. BMC Health Ser Res. 2022; 22(1):421

 Dziva Chikwari C, Dauya E, Bandason T, Tembo M, Mavodza C, Simms V, Mackworth-Young C, Apollo T, Grundy C, Weiss H, Kranzer K, Mavimba T, Indravudh P, Doyle A, Mugurungi O, Machiha A, Bernays S, Busza J, Madzima B, Terris-Prestholt F, McCarthy O, Hayes R, Francis S, Ferrand R. The impact of community-based integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services for youth on population-level HIV viral load and sexually transmitted infections in Zimbabwe: protocol for the CHIEDZA cluster-randomised trial. Wellcome Open Res 2022, 7:54

 Mackworth-Young C, Dringus S, Dauya E, Dziva Chikwari C,Mavodza C, Tembo M, Doyle A, McHugh G, Simms V, Wedner-Ross M, Apollo T, Mugurungi O,  Ferrand R, Bernays S. Putting youth at the centre: co-design of a community-based intervention to improve HIV outcomes among youth in Zimbabwe. Wellcome Open Res 2022, 7:53

 Martin K, Chikwari CD, Mackworth-Young CRS, Chisenga M, Bandason T, Dauya E, Olaru ID, Francis SC, Mavodza C, Nzombe P, Nyamwanza R, Hove F, Tshuma M, Machiha A, Kranzer K, Ferrand RA. “It was difficult to offer same day results”: Evaluation of community-based point-of-care testing for sexually transmitted infections among youth using the GeneXpert platform in Zimbabwe. BMC Health Services Res 2022. In Press.

 McCarthy OL, Mavodza C, Chikwari CD, Dauya E, Tembo M, Hlabangana P, Dembetembe R, Mpakami N,  Bandason T, Free C, Smith C, Ferrand RA. Adapting an evidence-based contraceptive behavioural intervention delivered by mobile phone for young people in Zimbabwe. BMC Health Services Research 2022;22(1):106.

 Kranzer K, Simms V, Dauya E, Olaru ID, Dziva Chikwari C, Martin K, Redzo N, Bandason T, Tembo M, Francis SC, Weiss HA, Hayes RJ, Mavodza C, Apollo T, Ncube G, Machiha A, Ferrand RA. Identifying youth at high risk for sexually transmitted infections in community- based settings using a risk prediction tool: a validation study. BMC Infect Dis 2021;21(1):1234

 Mackworth-Young CRS, Mavodza C, Nyamwanza R, Tshuma M, Nzombe P, Dziva Chikwari C, Tembo M, Dauya E, Apollo T, Ferrand RA, Bernays S. 'Other risks don't stop': adapting a youth sexual and reproductive health intervention in Zimbabwe during COVID-19. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 2022; 30(1):2029338

Mavodza CV, Mackworth-Young CRS, Bandason T, Dauya E, Chikwari CD, Tembo M, Apollo T, Ncube G, Kranzer K, Ferrand RA, Bernays S. When healthcare providers are supportive, "I’d rather not test alone": Exploring uptake and acceptability of HIV self-testing for youth in Zimbabwe- a mixed method study. J Int AIDS Soc. 2021;4(9):e25815

Tembo M, Renju J, Weiss HA, Dauya E, Bandason T, Dziva Chikwari C, Redzo N, Mavodza C, Losi T, Ferrand RA, Francis SC. Menstrual product choice and uptake among young women in Zimbabwe: a pilot study. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2020; 6(1):182

 Doyle AM, Bandason T, Dauya, E, McHugh G, Grundy C, Dringus S, Dziva Chikwari C, Ferrand RA. Mobile phone access and implications for digital health interventions among adolescents and young adults in Zimbabwe: A cross-sectional survey. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2021; 9(1):e21244

 Martin K, Olaru ID, Buwu N, Bandason T, Marks M, Dauya E, Muzangwa J, Mabey D, Chikwari CD, Francis SC, Tembo M, Mavodza C, Simms V, Mackworth-Young CRS, Machiha A, Kranzer K, Ferrand RA. Uptake of and factors associated with testing for sexually transmitted infections in community-based settings among youth in Zimbabwe: A mixed-methods study. Lancet Child and Adol Health 2021; 5(2):122-132

Mackworth-Young CRS, Chingono R, Mavodza C, Mchugh G, Tembo M, Dziva Chikwari C, Weiss HA, Rusakaniko S, Ruzario S, Bernays S, Ferrand RA. “Here, we cannot practice what is preached”: early qualitative learning from community perspectives on Zimbabwe’s response to COVID-19. Bull of WHO 2020; 99(2):85-91

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