Related Studies
The CAPE Study
​The CAPE (CHIEDZA Process Evaluation) Study aims to understand the CHIEDZA intervention's implementation, mechanisms of action, and the role of local context to inform sustainability and scalability of the intervention should it provie effective. The MRC Process Evaluation Framework underpins this study.
Qualitative and quantitative methods are used to:​​
Assess fidelity (i.e. how closely was the intervention implemented according to the protocol) and document what adaptations are made to the intervention and why
Investigate the expectations, perspectives and experiences of CHIEDZA clients and providers, and other stakeholders who engage with CHIEDZA, to understand the feasibilty, accessibility and acceptbility of the intervention
Explore the influence of contextual factors and any adaptations based on these factors, on the implementation of the intervention, to understand the pathways that lead to the trial outcome.
The study is supported by an NIH Fogarty fellowship to Constancia Mavodza.

The MAE Study
The MAE (Menstrual Health: Investigating the Acceptability, Uptake, and Effectiveness of a Menstrual Health Management Intervention within a Community-Based SRH Programme among Young Women in Zimbabwe) study is investigating the acceptability and effectiveness of a menstrual health intervention among young women aged 16-24 years.
CHIEDZA provides brief information on menstrual health, the choice of one of two reuseable menstrual products (a cup or a washable pad) and painkillers.
MAE is prospective cohort study nested within CHIEDZA. Young women accessing CHIEDZA for any reason (n=300) are recruited and offered detailed information on menstruation, menstrual health and hygiene; three different reusable menstrual products (reusable pads, period pants, menstrual cup); pain medication; 2 pairs of underwear; a bar of soap, an educational pamphlet, and a period tracking diary.
Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the study investigates menstrual product choice and preference usage patterns over time. Secondly, perception, practice and experience of menstruation, and knowledge of menstrual health over time is explored.
The study is supported by the Swiss Development Corporation & a NIH Fogarty fellowship to Mandi Tembo.

The STICH Study
In most low and middle-income countries, symptomatic STIs are treated by syndromic management, yet sensitivity and specificity of this approach for STIs are poor. The STICH (STI in CHIEDZA) study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of community-based screening for STIs using newer diagnostic technologies among youth in Zimbabwe.
The study measures the uptake and yield of STI screening and comprehensive case management including partner notification. All clients accessing CHIEDZA are offered testing for gonorrhoea and chlamydia; women are also offered testing for Trichomonas vaginalis. The impact of this intervention on population level prevalence of STIs will be measured in a subset in the CHIEDZA endline survey.
The study also aims to develop and evaluate a risk assessment tool to predict STI positivity among youth to inform targeted STI screening; a cost-effectiveness assessment and a process evaluation of the intervention's implmentation (using the same framework as for the parent CHIEDZA study) will be undertaken.
The study is funded by MRC/DFID/NIHR.

As of June 2022, the trial has ended. Enquiries can be made to gain information about the trial.